I was contemplating about whether to post about it or not, finally decided to post. To those who don't know, I will be a married man by the end of this month, all my bachelor life enjoyments and advantages will come to an end on Jan 24th. Well as a bachelor, I didn't enjoy much like others. Sitting in home, not going out for movies and places etc., I was only a bachelor for name sake and to be honest I was always been like that. This married life is going to be a challenge, ***cough cough*** , as always for anyone and striking a chord between the families is what I need to do in the future, it is not going to be easy as it sounds. With Almighty's grace, I hope everything turns out well and good, blessings of my elders and well-wishers will help me to step into, a wonderful, married life.
p.s. Watch out if there are any changes in me in the future and take a call when it comes to your marriage(just kidding).